Sesame Street The Musical: Let's Paint is The Show in Atlanta Georgia is Upcoming Posted January 8 To July 23, 2028! Elmo Hosting Vincent Van Gogh With Rosita, Cookie Monster And Abby! is The Upcoming Songs And Parodies From Sesame Street The Musical, Some Cases During Eye-Reactions Shutdown And Removal Reaction Vaccine Blood-Draw Covid And Elmo Have Vaccine And Honkers Gets Vaccine So People Get Covid Vaccine And We Say We Will Continued And Say The Honker Remembers As They Recover!
- Third New Elmo's World The Musical: Drawing
- Cookie Monster Paints Cookie
- Meets Honkers
- Elmo Gets Tired And Chain Lamp Off
- Ernie Paints The Starry Night
- Abby Paints The Sunflower
- Oscar The Grouch Says No Eye-Reactions Are Gone #CaringToEachOther
- Count Paints Trash Can To Oscar
- Snuffy & Big Bird Paints Together With Elmo & Abby
- All Of Sesame Street Characters Applause Saying Eye-Reactions Shutdown
- Sesame Street Opening Theme Let's Paint
- Oscar's Trash Can
- Honkers Meets Elmo!
- Cookie Monster Sings Let's Paint
- Red Music Video: Fishing Boats On The Beach Elmo's World! Can Can
- Oscar Loves Trash
- Abby Sings The Painted Imagination Song
- The Elmo Slide
- Rosita Plays Music
- Zoe Paint Cookie
- Two Headed Say Sleep With Elmo
- Snuffy Loves Big Bird
- Honkers Final Song Says Reaction Shutdown & Applause