Theatre wiki
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Theatre wiki[]


To promote the creation, performance, and appreciation of all aspects of theatre.


Theatre is a form of entertainment whereby a story, theme, or sensation is expressed through a combination of acting, song, sounds, movement, dance, and physical objects. Theatre usually implies a live event, usually involves humans, and is almost always intended to be performed before a live audience.


  • Musical theatre has its origins in operetta and vaudeville, and shares some characteristics from both these genres.
  • Musical Revue is light entertainment comprising a patchwork of sketches and songs often based on a theme, but without a strong story line.
  • A play with music usually has more spoken dialogue than song and dance.
  • Jukebox Musicals are a compilation of individual songs already made famous by a songwriter or band, strung together by a (usually weak) story.
  • Rock Opera is a through-sung musical using pop music.
  • Pantomime is theatrical entertainment for the family, usually a farce or burlesque, where songs and dance feature prominently.

You Write:[]

Here are original works written by the users of this site. Feel free to edit them, start new ones, and perform them in your communities. Just be sure to tell your audiences where the text comes from. And be sure to tell us, on the discussion pages, how your show went, and what you learned about the piece from performing it.


BoatsAreRockable BoatsAreRockable 20 July 2015

New Admin

Hi Theatre Wiki visitors!

I'm happy to inform you that User:DinoKev has kindly made me an admin here. This should make it much easier for me to improve this wiki. To start with I'm going to sift through all the existing pages here on the Theatre Wiki…

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BoatsAreRockable BoatsAreRockable 21 June 2015

Breathing new life into the Theatre Wiki?

I recently discovered this wiki and was saddened to see that is rather neglected. I am a big fan of theatre (particularly musicals) and believe that this wiki has loads of potential to be "something incredible" (Yeah a BOM reference...).

As a result …

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